Now Reading
You can find here the books I am currently reading, books I just finished, and my reading list for the future.
I like to read and I enjoy writing about my learnings on the reading journey. On this page, the links are leading you to my summary of the given book.
Last Update: 2025.02.05

Currently reading
- Elantris (Brandon Sanderson)
Recently finished (2025)
Book Summary: Radical Candor
How to Get What You Want by Saying What You Mean

Books I read in 2024
- How to measure your life (Clayton Christensen)
- Four Thousand Weeks (Oliver Burkeman)
- Mere Christianity (C. S. Lewis)
- How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World (Harry Browne)
- Principles for navigating the big debt crises (Ray Dalio)
- Füves könyv (Márai Sándor)
- La Sombra del Viento (Carlos Ruiz Zafón)
- Harry Potter 1
- Harry Potter 2
- Harry Potter 3
- Harry Potter 4
- Harry Potter 5
- 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI (Yuval Noah Harari)
- Measure What Matters (John Doerr)
- La asombrosa tienda de la señora Yeom (Kim Ho-yeon)
- Lo mejor de Bertrand Russell
- The Hard Thing About Hard Things (Ben Horovitz)
- Misterio Messi (Sebastián Fest)
- Libertad Immobiliaria (Carlos Galán)
Books I read in 2023
- Peter Lynch: One Up On Wall Street
- Daniel Pecaut: University of Berkshire Hathaway
- Rodney Habib: The Forever Dog
- Kerry Patterson: Crucial Conversations
- Erin Meyer: No Rules Rules
- Annie Duke: Thinking in Bets
- Zander, Rosamund Stone: The Art of Possibility
- Andrzej Sapkowski: The Witcher - Sword of Destiny
- Andrzej Sapkowski: The Witcher - Blood of Elves
- Haruki Murakami: The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
- Matt Ridley: The Rational Optimist
- Brad Stulberg: The Practise of Groundedness
- Christopher Hitchens: Letters to a Young Contrarian
- April Dunford: Obviously Awesome
- Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
- Josh Bernoff: Writing Without Bullshit
Books I read in 2022
- Erin Meyer: The Culture Map
- Ernest Hemingway: For Whom the Bell Tolls
- Haruki Murakami: What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
- Ryan Holiday: Courage Is Calling
- Andrzej Sapkowski: The Witcher - The Last Wish
- Chip Heath: Made to Stick
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Antifragile
- Paul Millerd: The Pathless Path
- Marty Cagan: Empowered
- Frank Herbert: Dune
- Andrew Chen: The Cold Start Problem
- Eric Abrahamson: A Perfect Mess
- Haruki Murakami: Norwegian Wood
Reading List
- Stephen Wilbers: Mastering the Craft of Writing
- Al Ries: Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind by Al Ries
- Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Crime and Punishment
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez: One Hundred Years of Solitude
- Andrzej Sapkowski: The Witcher - Sword of Destiny
- Ben Horowitz: The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Favorite Books
The Score Takes Care of Itself by Bill Walsh - Summary
The Score Takes Care of Itself is the personal map for success for one of the most creative and successful NFL coaches whether in professional football or anywhere else.

The Sovereign Individual: Book Review
Read about predictions written 30 years ago and became reality since then (borderless money transfers, the rise of decentralized finance, the knowledge economy). The rest of the book is about the future still awaiting.

- Sönke Ahrens: How to Take Smart Notes
- Daniel Coyle: The Talent Code
- Haruki Murakami: Killing Commendatore
- Cormac McCarthy: The Road
- Neil Gaiman: Neverwhere
My Thoughts about Reading
The ROI of Reading
An essay about whether reading books is always worth it, alternatives of books and my experience with crappy literature.

Why should you have a Reading List? + My List for 2022
Planning and keeping track of your reads can provide unexpected benefits. Let me share how creating a reading list helped me build a reading habit, influenced my book choices, and made me a better reader.